18. listopada 2017 w Centrum Kreatywności na warszawskiej Pradze odbędzie się kolejna edycja See&Say, w której będziemy brać udział jako eksperci w dziedzinie animacji. Zainteresowanych konsultacjami zachęcamy do wysyłania zgłoszeń do 19 pażdziernika. Do zobaczenia!
We are pleased to announce we will be experts in the field of animation during this year's See&Say. It will take place at Center for Creativity in Warsaw (18th of Nov 2017). You can still send submitions to meet all the experts. See you there!
This is a commercial for a new Samsung Galaxy S8 smartphone, starring supermodel Anja Rubik. It was comissioned by Samsung and Orange as a part of campaign communicating the speed of internet matching the dizzying pace of life. Inspired by Leo Burnett's clever brief we decided to use various catwalks set designs as a notion of different locations unifying travel and work environments.
We achieved the effect of fluid walk through different sets using motion control and vast set of effect lights.
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